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5 Black Women Who Changed History As We Know It
Artwork by: Angelica Milash Black History Month: February 2017 An oppressed gender and an oppressed race – black women have faced a vast...

What’s next? The aftermath of The Women’s march!
Collage by Romi Geller On January 21st, 2017, we made history, and it was only the beginning. The women’s march was a highly anticipated...

DIY: Pop Tarts
The perfect snack to ring in the brand new Gilmore Girls episodes. “The pop-tart tasted like freedom, and rebellion and, independence.”...

How to Find Your Passion
Picture by Jorge Menjivar @dearjorge I feel like a lot of people walk around life not knowing what drives them, what motivates them. It...

Back to Basics: The importance of Self Love
No one can tell you how to love yourself, but yourself. Art by Grace M I open my laptop, looking at the half dim screen, my eyes seeming...

The Return of the Lemonade Stand: Charity Edition
Lemonade, crunchy ice, sell it once, sell it twice. Art by Margarida Eloy There is something about makeshift lemonade stands, trimmed...

Romi's Rambles: DAYDREAMS
My mind was in the sky, but gravity wasn't having it.

It's not me, it's you: A Breakup Letter to My Insecurities
I am owning up to my flaws and celebrating my accomplishments. Art By Isis Petit Dear Insecurity, We need to talk. You’ve been with me...

Confession: I am not a good friend.
I tend to cut people off; for small, arbitrary reasons or even for no reason at all.

I’ve always known I was a “bad feminist”
Art By Grace I like songs by people I shouldn’t. The lyrics are derogatory to females, and yet I can’t get over the beat. And I laugh at...

A Guide to Travel
Travelling is a gift that one is very fortunate to receive in their life

Dear Diary: D Train
Being with you feels like summer.

Dear Diary: Superwoman
Growing up I knew that I was expected to work no less than the hardest I could. Throughout my seventeen years on this earth, I have come...

Dear Diary: I’m not an artist
Throughout my seventeen years on this earth, I have come to the conclusion that life is seemingly drawn in the Pointillism period. Art by...

The things we hope to do, the people we aspire to be.
A collection of New Year's Resolutions from Mimp Contributors.
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