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A New Year's Evolution
Photo by Tatiana Butts It’s the new year. A new year a new you at least that’s what you keep telling yourself before you eat that bag of...

The Summer Tree
illustration by Sabrina Carrizo A tree was our home that summer We lived in its arms and swung from its fingers the old tire swing...

A Song of Myself
Illustration by Sabrina Carrizo Sztainbok Growing up, there are many things that can shape who you are as a person, from your friends and...

Choosing to be Positive
Illustration by: Nydia Gomez Almost everyone has been asked at one point in their lives if they see the glass as half-full or half-empty....

Fiction Friday: Climbing
Photo by: Poiema Lee I look up at the mountain towering over me its jagged edge like teeth waiting to take a bite out of me like it did...
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