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Poem: Soap petals
Photo courtesy of Laurie Shelly There are certain words that are familiar to me because I have come across them in books and know what...

Tongue Tied
Illustration by: Sabrina Carrizo Sztainbok Hummingbird a poem for when the words don't come easily sometimes my tongue feels heavy in...

CINNAMON, LILAC AND POETRY: an interview with poet Sabrina Benaim
Photo by Ian Keteku The first time I heard one of Sabrina Benaim’s poems, I was having one of those days where you just feel… ugh. Like a...

Snake: a poem
Illustration by Marlenne Jasso we were made for each other like perfectly carved puzzle pieces, fitting into one another our petals...

The Machine
Illustration by Sudeepti Tucker I gasp Throat closing up the air thick, stagnant each breath a knife to my throat My focus narrows ...

Poem: Could Have
Photo by: Reanne Suzzane Koh Separated by time and space, By chance and fortune, By luck and fate. We turn our heads too quick To see...

My best friend and I have this theory that parts of our soul come from the same star. Perhaps that explains why our lives seem to...

Falling in love. What is it to fall in love? It’s like magic but impossibly real. It’s infinite strength

The World in Our youth
Illustration By Margarida Eloy (Ahoy Illustrations) Youth is The time where we have no idea what to do The time where we fall in and...

It's Lit: Q&A with writer and spoken word poet Rhiannon McGavin
Rhiannon McGavin is a writer from Los Angeles who first started drafting poems to attract the attention of a cute boy in her children’s...
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