An Interview With Scarlet Rose Turner
Scarlett Turner: beauty and fashion vlogger, the 'nerd' half of the musical duo The Nerd & the Bird, a new face at LA Models, an aspiring film-maker, and a self-proclaimed cat-lover.

I spoke with Charlotte about her incredible ability to connect with her young audience through social media. Read the interview below.
Isabella (I): Define your channel in two words.
Scarlett (S): Positive, Progressive....ahh two words is so hard!
I: Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
S: My biggest inspiration would have to be my mom, actress Hilary Shepard. Her whole life, she’s worked to make her dreams come true and as a single mom, she always puts my older sister and me above herself to make sure we have everything we need in life. She’s a cancer survivor and her strength is something I look to when going through tough times. She’s also so incredibly creative, talented, and beautiful and is currently finishing self-publishing her first novel, starring in a DIY crafting show, and running a perfume business where she hand-pours every bottle by herself. I’m so lucky to have such a driven and incredible person like my mom.
I: What is something that you think people would want to know about you that they don’t already know?
S: As random as it is, I think most people wouldn’t know that I’m a big “foodie.” I’m always looking for new restaurants and foods to try. I love cooking and I’m constantly in the kitchen making meals for myself because I find the process to be relaxing. Plus, working hard makes the end result taste even better.
I: What would be your best piece of advice for young people looking to make a difference in the world today?
S: My advice would just be to go and do it. Put yourself out there and try not to let anyone stand in your way. Publish your opinions and be active because someone will hear them and even touching just one person is better than being too scared to try at all.
I: Are you ever nervous about posting certain types of videos? Does that hinder or help you as a creator?
S: I always get nervous when I upload videos where I’m trying something new. When I uploaded my first video on feminism, I was so anxious about what people were going to say. I avoided filming the video for months. This topic was something I’d never talked about openly on my channel before and I wasn’t sure how my viewers would react. Despite the fact that the video did receive a lot of negative attention from random people on the internet, I’m so glad I uploaded it and began my journey towards educated other young people on the true meaning of feminism and equality.
I: Which video are you most proud of on your channel to date?
S: I don’t think there’s one single video that comes to mind. I would say I’m really proud of my more recent videos because I’m finally being true to myself and my beliefs. I’ve really developed how I want to represent myself and my channel and I’m proud of myself for sticking up for what I believe in and influencing others to do the same.
I: Your video, “I'm a Feminist & Why You Should Be, Too!”, is different and refreshing and only seemed to just scratch the surface of this new direction you plan to take with your channel. What types of videos should we expect to see from you from here on out?
S: I definitely want to continue doing beauty and fashion videos with a Feminist perspective. I’ve gotten a really positive response from my core viewers who are noticing the little changes I’ve made in my videos (for example: not wearing a bra) and it makes me so happy that my subscribers have been so open to my new ideas. I want to continue to make my channel a positive, safe environment for all people by discussing topics that don’t get a lot of attention on YouTube, especially in the “beauty community.”
M: Lastly, in seeing that you support equality for all, how do you feel about the HeForShe movement? Do you intend to take the pledge? What is something you would like to see happen within this movement before the end of 2015?
S: I’m all for the HeForShe movement. I think it’s SO important that we get all people, of all gender identities, to be on board with the fight for equality. It truly affects everyone, not just women. Before the end of 2015, I would love to see the word “feminist” become a word that more people celebrate and identify with instead of shaming like it’s another F-word. It’s idealistic, but I’m going to try my best to do my part and continue to educate others as best I can.
Thanks for the amazing answers, Scarlett!
You can check out Scarlett's Youtube channel and subscribe here: