FNPL: Join the Movement
Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now.

Image in collage: Album artwork for Youth by Daughter
Of course, I open with Hamilton lyrics, but who can blame me? However, I feel that it’s very fitting for the idea of this playlist. The following songs define what it means to be youthful, to be a part of the generation of misfits and revolutionaries and creators, to be wild and free, to be alive right now. Despite what grown adults may tell us, this is what makes our generation ours.
Young by Vallis Alps “And we said/This has only just begun/In the end/Time forever favors the young”
Crazy by Gnarls Barkley “And I hope that you are having the time of your life/But think twice, that's my only advice”
We’re Going to be Friends by the White Stripes “We don't notice any time pass/We don't notice anything”
Billionaire by Travie McCoy ft. Bruno Mars “Oh every time I close my eyes/I see my name in shining lights, yeah/A different city
every night, oh I/I swear the world better prepare”
Kids by MGMT “No time to think of consequences”
Youth by Daughter “We are the reckless/We are the wild youth/Chasing visions of our futures”
Wake Up by Arcade Fire “Children, wake up/Hold your mistake up/Before they turn the summer into dust”
Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana “Bring your friends/It’s fun to lose and to pretend”
We Are Young by fun. featuring Janelle Monáe “Tonight/We are young/So let’s set the world on fire/We can burn brighter than the sun”
Here’s To Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne “Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs/With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love”
17 by Youth Lagoon “Oh, when I was seventeen/My mother said to me/"Don't stop imagining. The day that you do is the day that you die"”