Closet Q&A: Instagram Blogger, Isabella Nortartomaso

Everyone has their own unique sense of style that is individual to them as a person. Some of you may have heard of Isabella Nortartomaso, more commonly known as @fab_teen_style on Instagram. I recently had the opportunity to interview Isabella about her Instagram, fashion tips, and more.
MIMP MAG: What made you decide to start @fab_teen_style?
ISABELLA NOTARTOMASO: I started @fab_teen_style in February 2014 when Bethany Mota was my biggest inspiration. I used to watch all of her videos and got to meet her during a meet and greet at King of Prussia mall. Here was this girl who was only a few years older than me, and she started out small, making YouTube videos in her bedroom, and developed a loyal following and became hugely successful. I have always loved clothing, and knew that was something I would enjoy working on and sharing with others.

MIMP MAG: What has been your favourite part of running your account?
ISABELLA: My favourite part of running the account is the connection I make with my followers. I love when my followers are actively engaged with my feed and ask questions or provide feedback (which I always ask for). Even if someone gives me a thumbs down, it’s ok—not everyone is going to like everything I post. Most people are very friendly. Receiving positive feedback keeps me motivated to keep at it. It feels good when people tell me they are going to start their own fashion account because they were inspired by me to do so, or when people tell me they look at my account daily to pick out an outfit for school.
MIMP MAG: Do you have any fashion/style inspirations?
ISABELLA: There is not any one person in particular that I am inspired by in terms of copying their style. I enjoy seeing different types of fashion bloggers or YouTubers on Instagram to get ideas for my own outfits. A few people that I enjoy following, in no particular order, are Gabi and Niki DeMartino, Alisha Marie, Sierra Furtado, and Meredith Foster.
MIMP MAG: What’s your favourite decade for fashion (20s, 60s, etc.)?
ISABELLA: I don’t have any one decade that I love in terms of fashion, but I am currently loving certain trends that were popular in the 90s grunge period like flannel, chokers, and Dr. Martens, and the boho look that was popular in the 70s. I also like short skirts that were popular during the mid 60s. You’ll notice that many outfits I have posted combine items from different decades. For example, I will pair a short skirt with Docs and add the modern trend of over-the-knee socks. Honestly though, I am not an expert in what was popular in which past decade; it’s hard when you weren’t there to experience it for yourself.

MIMP MAG: Why do you think individual style is important?
ISABELLA: People express themselves through their style and tell you about themselves without saying a word. You can tell if someone is preppy, a diva, an athlete, a skater, or if they are laid-back, into music, high-maintenance, street-wise, and MANY other things. I also think people who are true to themselves and their personal style end up rocking their look!
MIMP MAG: What’s your favourite back-to-school look?
ISABELLA: My favorite back to school look is something nice but casual like maybe a romper with a pair of converse or sandals, and I would add some accessories like a necklace or earrings. With all the walking around I do in school, comfy shoes are important! A lot of schools have strict dress codes; I am lucky that mine does
MIMP MAG: Do you have any advice for people who want to start sharing fashion tips and pictures?
ISABELLA: Yes, I definitely have a few!!
1. Stay true to yourself and your own personal style. Don’t wear outfits or items of clothing or shoes you don’t like just because they are trendy.
2. Make sure you have good lighting. People on Instagram seem to enjoy accounts with good quality photos because you can see the outfit details more clearly. I would try to find someone who can take your pictures outdoors where there is nice lighting.
3. Post daily if at all possible.
4. Mix up your pictures a little bit: Offer some layout pictures, full body outfit pictures, and close-ups of your outfit or jewelry.
5. Be aware that there are going to be haters and learn to ignore it. People can be nasty, especially when they can hide behind their keyboards. Just know that haters hate because they are either jealous or they are just unhappy with their own lives. There are also people who set up dummy accounts on Instagram with the sole purpose of spamming other accounts with rude comments. Delete nasty comments, report/block the users and move on. Do not engage with them—that is what they want.
6. Don’t start an account with the sole purpose of thinking/hoping you will get popular. Do it because you enjoy it. If you are genuine, it will show, and followers will slowly come.

MIMP MAG: Finally, what do you hope people take away from your posts?
ISABELLA: If someone is struggling to find the right outfit combo, or drawing a blank as to how to style a certain item, I hope they can visit my page and find inspiration. It’s not about going out to buy the same items of clothing that I have, rather people can be inspired on how to style SIMILAR items of clothing that they already have in their own closets. A lot of people DM me for help if they need an outfit idea for a certain event they are going to or if they can’t match a pair of jeans or top with anything, and I am always happy to offer suggestions.
MIMP MAG: Thank you so much for the interview, Isabella!