Top Five Smart Girl Reads
Books to help navigate your YOU when you're lost.

Photo by: Elif Ani
It is easy to forget how to be a girl boss every little while. Personally, I remain strong for like 4 of my responsibilities, and then I’m DONE. A lot of the time I can keep going, though, despite my exhaustion, because I have filled my mind with inspirations and goals for myself.
It is all about ingraining your desired life into your mind - because there is no way to get what you want when you are not being your you. Other times I get completely stuck, and none of my to-do list tasks are being checked off. This is when I know I have completely lost myself, and while it is SO difficult to snap out of this trance, I force myself to pick up an insightful read.
Here is a list of great go-to novels, essays, magazines, or poems for your lost moments.
Brooklyn (2009 novel) by Colm Toibin Eilis Lacey is a young women from Ireland, who lives comfortably with a simple life. She barely even tells herself what she wants. Eilis sets out to New York for a job (on account for her family, not her own will), and we watch her awkwardly find her place and her voice.
Milk and Honey (2015 poetry book) by Rupi Kaur Great poetry can really only come from certain souls. The way Kaur artistically paints feelings inside your body is indescribable, and can only be experienced by reading her poems. Take time to nurture your heart and mind, as this poetry novel is truly therapeutic. It will help you either feel less alone, or more grateful, or both.
The Best of Everything (1958 novel) by Rona Jaffe This novel makes me think of one thing: female liberation. While it follows a group of young ladies trying to make it on their own in New York City, it takes the reader through the thought processes, the self-searches, the mistakes, and the feel-good moments of these girls’ lives. I look at this book as a reminder that we can push through anything.
Underage Overachievers (2015 Article) by Vanessa Giralico A Mimp Mag exclusive, this quick read will give you a new perspective on what you are doing and how you are handling your life. I believe that after reading this article, you will be inspired by other girls in our world, and get a wind of excitement to kickstart your to-do’s, or even just begin the search for what it is that gives you happiness.
(2016 blog post) by Maggie Macintosh
Margaret (Maggie) Macintosh is a Journalism student at Ryerson University. Her blog is so unfiltered and honest that it is refreshing, kind of like a reminder that it is okay to be unapologetically you, and to have some space to just be without justification. In this post, she goes into depth about how she had an opportunity to travel across Canada this summer. Pretty cool.