Rory Gilmore’s Relationships: An Analysis
Team Dean, Team Jess, or Team Logan?

Art by: Andreya Klobucar
With the Gilmore Girls revival coming to your screen in a few days, we’ve decided to prep ourselves with one of the prominent aspects of the show: the BOYS.
Rory had her fair share of boyfriends with three over the course of the seven season show. Here we’ll dissect each boyfriend, just so you can have an established opinion going into the quartet of episodes on November 25th.
Dean Forester
Ah, the whiniest of Rory’s boyfriends. Yes he was Rory’s first (in more ways than one) but he is one boyfriend that I just can’t like. When Rory didn’t say “I love you” when he did, he got mad. Sure, he made her a car, but loving someone is BIG. Whenever Rory was remotely near any other guy he got so jealous and possessive, especially Jess. Dean was too immature for her standards, and when having a date takes place in the back of Doose’s Market, that’s when you know it’s near over. He did have the best smile of the boyfriends, so he’s got that. Rating: ⋆⋆
Jess Mariano
Jess was my favourite boyfriend of Rory’s because he was just the most angsty in all the best ways possible. He never chased after Rory, in fact it was the other way around. It was nice to see Rory want someone so bad, it was endearing. But Jess met her in the middle, I mean hello! The highlighted copy of (insert book). The only issue I had with Jess was that he was very moody and distant, at times leaving Rory and viewers in utter confusion. But Jess in Season 6 makes up for it all. Trust me. Jess and Rory get each other and I really hope with the trailer, and their undeniable chemistry, that Jess is still a contender.
Relive Jess' most adorable moments in GIFs here.
Rating: ⋆⋆⋆⋆
Logan Huntzberger
Re-watching Gilmore Girls, Logan really isn’t that bad of a guy. He really liked Rory for Rory, and didn’t try to change her to fit into his rich world. It was comforting. Plus, who couldn’t get enough of Rory’s nickname, Ace? Logan is quippy and his spontaneous attitude was so unlike Rory’s previous boyfriends. My main issue with Logan, was that he was always very “fly by the seat of his pants” on multiple occasions, which Rory discovered didn’t work with her personality. He never expressed an interest in Rory’s career, something that’s important to her since she is a “career woman” according to his mother.
Rating: ⋆⋆⋆