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5 Movies to Watch this Valentine's Day

Elena M-ski

What’s better than living vicariously through the romantic happiness of fictional characters?

I know I speak for most of us when I say that I LOVE to watch cheesy romantic movies around Valentine's Day. I eat them up like chocolates (and I adore chocolate). Whether or not you have someone special to snuggle up with while watching these movies, you can make your Valentine’s Day this year enjoyable and fun! Schedule a girl’s night in, or maybe a movie date night and watch these adorable (adorably cheesy) movies! Tonight's Weekend Watchlist includes 5 clips to help you decide what to watch tomorrow!

1. Brooklyn

You may or may not heard of this new and fantastic movie starring Saoirse Ronan. The story features an Irish-American immigrant in the 1950s named Ailish who comes to the United States. She ends up falling in love with a local, but her roots in Ireland stir up some trouble as she tries to decide between the two countries. It is both romantic and inspiring and I suggest that all Mimp readers give it a try!

2. Pride and Prejudice (the 2005 edition)

Everyone knows the story. Everyone knows the romance. And yet, it never gets old despite time. The timelessness of this story will be everlasting and the romance will continue to make us swoon. Don’t we all wish that we had a Mr. Darcy to sweep us off our feet?

3. Sixteen Candles

Despite everything that goes wrong for Sam, somehow it all turns out well in the end. That’s what we all hope for in our own lives. Not only is the romance sweet, but it is a great coming of age story for young girls. And who wouldn't want a guy like Jake?

4. Trainwreck

By now almost everyone has watched Trainwreck, so this is really just an excuse to watch it again. Trainwreck is not only comedic but also offers interesting commentary about how love is perceived and shown. Plus, AShu (as she dubbed herself at the Golden Globes) is hilarious.

5. The Proposal

….had to be on this list because I love it. To no end. I’ve probably watched it 800 times but there is no problem with watching it more than that…..really...there isn’t.


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