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Sister Formation: 4 Sisterly Nonprofit Organizations You Need To know About!

Illustration by Bethany Smith


The sisterly non profit organizations you need to know about!

There’s so much progress left for women’s issues all around the world, but there are many women-led organizations that are making a huge impact. Here at Mimp Mag we are very passionate about helping and empowering women around us, and we’ll have to admit it’s hard to find resources and organizations that can give us an outlet to help one another. We did a little digging for you and found some organizations that celebrate/help things that we stand for!

I can’t believe I had never heard about these organizations before I started my research for this article. I decided to find powerful organizations run by women for women. With the guidance of these women, these organizations are very successful and ignite change among communities.

These are all non-profit organizations that focus on women’s needs and empower women in the process of aiding women. From all different backgrounds with missions to help other women from all over the world here are four of my favorite sisterly non-profit organizations:

This organization based in Atlanta, Georgia was founded in 1997 with the mission to strengthen and amplify the voices of indigenous women and women of color to achieve reproductive justice by eliminating reproductive oppression and securing human rights. Learn more about reproductive justice here.

Girls Can Do has a mission to encourage women to dream big and follow those dreams! Girls Can Do hosts events all around the country and the world (for free!) for their target audience, young women. The events help young girls build connections and share their dreams with guest speakers. Girls Can Do ignites a vision of equal opportunity for young girls all around the world.

Families of Sister in Spirit is an all-volunteer, unfunded group of families of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit people and ally-friends. Families of Sister in Spirit hosts numerous vigils and rallies, where donations are raised and (100% of donations) passed on to Indigenous families impacted by disappearance, murder, and violent death.

Circle of Sisterhood is a non-profit organization founded and powered by sorority women with the mission to raise money to help remove education barriers for girls and women facing poverty and oppression. Circle of Sisterhood has been able to give over $675,000 to organizations working in 22 different countries and has funded twelve school constructions in Malawi, Senegal, Haiti, Nepal and Nicaragua since their founding in 2010.

Take action here!


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